168 results found
The ability to make check boxes permanent if they have been checked before sending.
For example, a check box has been checked before the document has been sent -- can we make it so that it can't be unchecked even by the recipient?
3 votes -
Additional Customizable Settings for Recipients
A way to turn off the ability for recipients who have PandaDoc accounts to receive a document prior to sending a generated link
1 vote -
Recipients should be able to edit an ordinary table./ fill out the columns inside the table
Recipients should be able to edit an ordinary table./ fill out the columns inside the table
6 votes -
Disable choosing cookies by the recipient
The client does not need such a feature as there is an option to disable analytics for the sender, which is not systematic
10 votes -
Remove sender email address from expiration notifications (application: API use case where the sender email is not the appropriate contact).
Remove sender email address from expiration notifications (application: API use case where the sender email is not the appropriate contact).
2 votes -
4 votes
Presentation Option: Powerpoint slideshow mode (no scroll)
Slideshow mode (presentation that does not "scroll" to next slide, but you simply click and the page changes.
17 votes -
Ability to allow replacing email body content with HTML snippet through API
Need the ability to replace PandaDoc email body content with HTML snippet through API. currently, the email body is customizable with only plain text.
5 votes -
Conditional workflow based on which new pages of a document will be opened (due to actions conducted by a recipient)
I would like a first page to appear. And if there is no click at the end of the first page, the client signs and doesn't see the rest of the document. Whereas if the client clicks, then all other pages pull up and the whole document appears
2 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
Contact change will change a recipient email in a live document.
When entering an email address incorrectly, the user should be able to make a change to the Contact in the Contacts area, and it should allow for that email address to correct for the Recipient in a live or open document. Currently, it does not make that change, which results in the user needing to a.) Add another recipient, changing signer status to the new recipient, and deleting the incorrect recipient, or b.) starting over with a new document if A fails, which it currently is with a bug in the system.
10 votes -
One recipient to review document (without signing) before sending to another recipient
one recipient to review document (without signing) before sending to another recipient. "Signing order" for viewers of a document.
3 votes -
1 vote
Conditional Sender logic
Ability to change the name of the sender when the recipient receives the document
5 votes -
Have the sequence of signature in the same document for the same client.
wish to receive one signature once the document is sent and the second one after 16 days
1 vote -
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
to enable a client to forward the document to more than one recipient.
to enable a clinet to forward the document to more than one recipeint at a time. If a Committee needs to review the document, then it's really time consuming / unrealistic to expect a prospective customer to forward the email multiple times. In this day and age, its expected to forward to many users in one action.
5 votes
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