457 results found
2 votes
2 votes
2 votes
PDF Portfolio files to be supported by PandaDoc
At the moment we don't support PDF Portfolio file upload in PD documents.
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2 votes
Ability to remove custom formatting of the text so that theme settings are applied EV2
Currently custom formatting is overriding the theme settings and there is no way to remove it
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Customized option to show
To show only the information related to the section the recipient chooses.
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2 votes
Save all the third-party signatures properties
When a PDF with a third-party signature is uploaded to PandaDoc, this signature loses it's properties and, I assume, legality. So when you download this doc from PandaDoc, you need to re-sign it in a third-party tool, if the PandaDoc signature is not appropriate for you for legal reasons.
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2 votes
2 votes
Unchecked boxes disappear once sent to client
Make the check boxes options that are not "checked" from the sender's side disappear once the document is sent to the client.
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Accept logo without modifications
Put the horizontally placed logo where height and length are quite different (l: 8000 px w: 1000 px) without any modifications.
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Label Table of Contents as Table of Contents, not the document title
Current setting is for the title of the Table of Contents to pull from the Document title. The table of contents title should say Table of Contents or be editable.
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"read aloud" feature
To have a native "read aloud" feature which reads everything on the document
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Automatically add text label for fields
Option to add automatically label for fields (next to them).
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1 vote
Designate which heading is recognized as a title by tables of contents
Currently only Heading 1 occurs as a title in the Table of Contents. Since tables of contents don't recognize PDF page breaks as a new page number, my work around is to manually create page breaks, which means I also need to split my table of contents into 2 pages. It would be helpful if I could designate Heading 2 or 3 as a title, so that Heading 1 sorts into TOC 1, and Heading 2 or 3 sorts into TOC 2. Currently I am forced to populate Heading 1 into both tables of contents and delete the redundancies out…
1 vote
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