168 results found
Have the sequence of signature in the same document for the same client.
wish to receive one signature once the document is sent and the second one after 16 days
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1 vote
1 vote
The ability to make check boxes permanent if they have been checked before sending.
For example, a check box has been checked before the document has been sent -- can we make it so that it can't be unchecked even by the recipient?
3 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
7 votes
Undo signature
Ability to undo a signature for one specific user instead of erasing the entire document.
5 votes -
4 votes
access emails history sent by pandadoc upon sending documents
history of emails sent with email body text
15 votes -
Restrict the ability to download uncompleted document [Workaround in comments]
Make unavailable the ability to download the pdf version of INCOMPLETE document for the recipient.
Then, when the document is complete, they can download it.I'm having my clients sign my training manuals, to limit piracy. If they actually can download the unsigned version, it completely loses its point.
This request has already been made and apparently released (https://pandadoc.uservoice.com/forums/926629-ideas-to-improve-pandadoc/suggestions/39884587-disable-download-print-pdf-option-for-recipient) but it didn't limit ONLY the download of uncompleted documents, which is a very important feature.
19 votes -
Reject a document in a bundle
Be able to reject a single document in a bundle.
1 vote -
manual signing
Ability to sign with mouse (or touchscreen)
1 vote -
Option for the sender to resend the document to the recipient who did not recieve the document
Option for the sender to resend the document to the recipient who did not recieve the document or unable to sign it during the document is sent on multiple recipient.
14 votes -
Recipients should be able to edit an ordinary table./ fill out the columns inside the table
Recipients should be able to edit an ordinary table./ fill out the columns inside the table
6 votes -
1 vote
Improve signature forwarding
Document recipients seem to have a hard time using the signature forwarding option and either do it wrong or ask the sender to reassign to someone else. Wish there were an easier way for recipients to FWD signing rights to another person/signer.
8 votes -
Bundles - Signature
Make the possibility for documents in bundles to be separate in terms of signature (for ex. we signi 1st doc in a bundle and then, let's say in a week, sign the second one)
1 vote -
1 vote
One recipient to review document (without signing) before sending to another recipient
one recipient to review document (without signing) before sending to another recipient. "Signing order" for viewers of a document.
3 votes
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