168 results found
QQ Email Support
Chinese clients using the QQ email clients cannot view any of the PandaDoc email text, or view the PandaDoc forms.
2 votes -
Internal window
The option that allows to open an additional page with the e-signature and then gets back to the document.
Is there a way to setup a "Click Here To Agree" to the Terms Of Use paperwork that would open them up in a new Window, allow them to Scroll through to to bottom where it has the eSig, then when it's signed bring them back to the initial eSig document?
2 votes -
7 votes
13 votes
Let recipients view a doc only after they view some statement
It seems to me that the recipient is not been shown a GDPR / privacy statement about the tracking capabilities withing PandaDoc. Can I change it so that before a user can see the document, he has to accept the GDPR terms?
1 vote -
Option to have a recipient to sign the document and forward it to another signer with saved field values
Save Signature for Document Forwarding: Save signature even if a document is not yet completed and forward to a person that only the recipient could specify. Recipient being assigned 2 fields, signing one field and saving the other one to a witness for example, all the while saving the original recipient's signature even after forwarding.
43 votes -
Customer Facing Tutorials
Customer would love to create a customer facing tutorial for using the PandaDoc document. Right now, because they have a lot of people who arent very tech savvy, they have trouble forwarding the document and signing.
Many times they have to call the team for help or just dont sign it. If there was some kind of quick tutorial the customer could walk through, that would make their experience with PandaDoc a 10/10.
3 votes -
Require one option for a recipient to sign instead of having more options
Require one option for a recipient to sign instead of having more options
3 votes -
3 votes
10 votes
Save PandaDoc to the desktop via drag and drop
Ability to drag and drop documents, from PandaDoc to a customer's desktop for saving.
2 votes -
send emails from the Company name
Ability to send documents from the Company name. So when recipient open messenger he/she will see that it was sent from the company, not from user's name
20 votes -
2 votes
images preview
ev2 click on the images and see them full screen
3 votes -
Document Forwarding Help Text (Change forward button text and make it more visible)
Customer needs some kind of help text for when a recipient needs to forward a document. When it gets to them, they do not really understand how to forward.
Would be great to have help text or a walkthrough on the forwarding option (or just make it a little more visible) so its clear what to do on the recipient end.
5 votes -
6 votes
12 votes
Disable Finish Button
Disable Finish option (when completing the document).
10 votes -
Download the embedded template before signing
Download the the embedded template before signing.
4 votes -
1 vote
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