547 results found
initials field - customization
initials field - customization/personalized/modify
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audit trail available on the signed document (not in the editor) within the signature field
audit trail link or option within the signature field - before or after the recipient signs the field
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Signature block rotation
The client wants to be able to rotate the signature box so he can put it on the side, vertically
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Allow recipient to change information if it's incorrect from Saleforce variables.
Allow recipient to change information if it's incorrect from Saleforce variables.
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Radio Buttons -Hide the Option Text
Right now, we like to use radio options with conditions to show certain fields based on what they pick. However, we don't always want the answers to the option to show up on the PDF. It would be nice to add the radio options. but then make it so the options don't show up on the document itself.
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Fill in variables on the template level
Ability to fill in variables on the template level
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Show all of Card Details
When using the collect Card Details field allow user to see all of the Card Details. Client stated it is misleading to not be able to see all of the card details.
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Ability to have multiple optional initial fields (conditional)
The signer would have the option to choose which initial field they wanted to initial but mandatory that they choose at least one.
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Allow Auto Assigning fields to multiple recipients
Example: User needs to assign 2 signers to a 300+ page doc. On each page of the doc, they need a signature and the 300-page doc is never the same per client. Allow the user to assign the signature boxes once and then have them auto-fill throughout the 300+ page doc so they dont have to manually go page by page
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Formula Validation Field (see description)
Feature request for formula validation
A Formula Validation Field would allow users to create complex calculations based on data entered into a document, and then validate those calculations against predetermined criteria. For example, a user could create a formula that validates if the SIN number correct.
Here is the formula for that: http://www.straightlineinternational.com/docs/vaildating_canadian_sin.pdf
This would help to ensure that the information in the document is accurate and consistent.
I believe that this feature would be particularly useful for users in industries such as finance, accounting, and project management, where complex calculations are often required. It would also help to streamline…3 votes -
Align Executed Signatures on Socuments
When a document is signed have the signatures align with the beginning placement of a Signature Field. For instance, if the Signature Field is all the way to the left of a document please have signatures show to the left of the document.
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Make a checkbox like a radio button (see description)
From the client: It would be nice to put just one on the form instead of having a checkmark there where the form is using a button.
More details: The client is referring to making a checkbox look like a radio button with how radio buttons come in pairs and cannot be unpaired. They essentially want there to be two checkboxes and one has to be selected.
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3 votes
Auto assign roles with Field Tag Recognition
Pandadoc recognises field tags in a PDF file, but when they are not assigned to any role. This creates a laborious process of going through the whole document assigning roles to each field.
It should allow a tag that includes a role assignment - for example to autoplace a signature for the role called Client 1 it could be something like:
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Highlight required fields that need to filled out before sending
Highlight required fields that need to be filled out before sending, for example, there are a couple of fields that need to be filled in before sending, like pay rate, start date, schedule, etc.
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Upload variables automatically from .docx file like with the PDF
For example -- the field tags recognition and auto-place PDF fields.
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Update document currency via variable
Option to update document currency via variable
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Mask Signature field value
Option to have an invisible signature with the same encryption but no visual representation
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Signature deletion
In case the signature is put in the draft document, it should disappear if the duplicate is created..
If the document is self-signed, the signature should disapppear if the document is edited or the duplicate is created.
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(Form fields) automatically adjust fields size after upload
ability to auto-adjust fields size so the input will not be cut off afer you auto-place fields during upload
3 votes
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