495 results found
1 vote
Video Analytics
Access to better video analytics like being able to see how many minutes people spend looking at videos and how many times they've viewed it, etc.
7 votes -
Delete Timeline from Dashboard
The option to delete Timeline on the Dashboard.
8 votes -
5 votes
1 vote
See upcoming subscription renewals
Be able to see upcoming subscription renewals beyond 90 days (see the upcoming subscription renewals which have > 90 days before they come into action)
7 votes -
15 votes
Customize message in the Send Document box.
In the Send Document box, to add bullets, indentions in the body of the message box before sending the document.
13 votes -
Automatic backup
Automatic backup of documents and statistics.
5 votes -
2 votes
Bulksend report
Put the report regarding bulksend sucsses or failure in the folder alongside with the documents stored.
3 votes -
CSV showing individual people (bulksend option of sending) and the status of the document they have been sent.
The option to export a CSV showing individual people (bulksend option of sending) and the status of the document they have been sent.
4 votes -
Ability to embed a website iframe module in documents/templates (also for booking a meeting) / Embed a map from MyMaps/Google maps
Embed time slots for booking a meeting to the document. Integration with Chili Piper or other application that will allow to embed the time slots for booking a meeting to the document.
33 votesHi. We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. Please keep upvoting this idea so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Should you come across any other ideas that suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to give them an upvote!
Turn on signing order as a default setting for the account.
A way to set a default signing order for the entire account that is applied to all documents sent from that account.
19 votes -
"Pay here" custom button
Have an ability to create a button "Please pay by clicking on the...."
So you can drag and drop that button unde the pricing table and add text like "Please pay certain amount by clicking on the green button in the right top corner".
As in some cases clients do not see the small green button to submit the payments.5 votes -
"Get Started" button in the bottom right corner
How about moving the "Get Started" in the bottom right corner? It's not located in a very good spot - it's in the way of chat.
2 votes -
Flatten PDFs before the upload
If the PDF is not flattened, some content can be missed after upload
18 votes -
live web document without having to assign 'Role
live web document without having to assign 'Role'
4 votes -
1 vote
Antivirus should not trigger document status's to move to viewed.
Michael from Autodesk reported that their PandaDoc document recorded 1 second of view time for each user shortly after they sent it.
2 votes
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