Change title [PandaDoc] Signed copy of "..." to a custom text.
When the documents are completed, the title of the email received by all parties is (Pandadoc) signed copy of etc…
Can we change this title and have a generic title instead? Something like “welcome to Holmes Place”?

Jim Dallas commented
Is there a way the Subject of the pandadocs can be changed to remove who sent the email?
the sender line already says who sent the email
the subject should merely be the items sent. most of the time the
item title is truncated due to repetition of sender name. its easier to review for signature or deletion done items when the full subject is visible. -
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
The option to remove [PandaDoc] from the email subject with signed PDF attached.
Valeria Pochapskaya commented
[PandaDoc] should not appear if we remove PandaDoc branding in Settings, the format of our subjects should be consistent (use via PandaDoc instead).