Approval Workflow by Manager after the recipient sign the contract
Suggest add a option in Approval Workflow, the contract is needed Manager approve after the recipient sign the contract

Savannah Faulkner commented
The document would go to a signer, then to a non-signer (approver), then to a final signer (if needed).
Savannah Faulkner commented
Clients would be able to have a document approved after it was signed by a recipient.
Gabriel Lawrence commented
This would be great to add workflow after a document is signed by customer. Let's say customer signs the contract, you would have a further workflow after completed document but pending work completion. Then have the internal services team sign off after the actual work is complete. A defacto work order tool built right into the quoting engine.
Move approver workflow to have the option to be after/within the signature order.
AdminSolomiia Mereniuk (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
The approval process should happen internally after the form has been filled out and returned. And the approval/signatures should not be seen by the person filling out the application.