As an Operations Manager, PandaDoc and Asana both help organize and further business. Integration with Asana would be a mutually beneficial partnership as users can keep their workspace in one platform while also utilizing PandaDoc within that platform. Please consider this as a viable tool!

Michael Tammaro commented
I have posted about this before, but wanted to bring the idea into the light again. I understand there is a Zapier integration between Asana and PandaDoc, but that is extra cost and more frustrating. Having a direct integration with the Asana platform will allow users to work in, edit, and send documents right from Asana. Or create tasks within PandaDoc that will populate into the Asana platform. This would be so beneficial for managers trying to complete projects and also utilize the great features that PandaDoc offers!
Sadie Goldfarb commented
Yes! This would be extremely helpful.