removing recipient's name as sender for forms
Customer wants the ability to remove the recipient's name as the sender of the document in the email subject when they initiate a Form or the ability to turn off this notification so the recipient doesn't receive it entirely. Having the recipient's name there might cause confusion for their recipients and it could cause more work for them.
Exact wording from customer:
So, let's say our client, John Smith is sent the link to complete the Form. He clicks the link and fills in his information, email and name. He is then sent an email notification, "John Smith sent you this document". It doesn't make sense that the client would send himself the document when he already has the link for it.
This email notification will confuse all of our vendors and cause a lot of unnecessary work on our end. This was not a prior issue before when we used Templates either.
Additionally, by filling out their contact info, they are not agreeing or asking for the document to be sent to them. They are just entering in their contact information so they can begin filling out the document.