Pricing table - wider description box
if you have multiple columns Price, QTY, Unit, discount, this limits the width of the description box.
In turn this make the pricing table longer if you have detailed descriptions or explanations.
In quote Roller the description continued across under price qty unit discount and only left subtotal to continue down (which was ok as it defined the description as part of the product.
Also a way to highlight multiple cells to format text together, instead of having to painfully change each cell.
Separate issue - option to set currency to blank if accidently set to one. If you only deal in one country, it just takes up space (and makes columns wider - making less space for description).
All this takes away from making beautiful proposals.

Adam Haining commented
We wish they kept Quote roller going - some features/functions were better.
The pricing table was easier to use - easier to select optional line and discounts.I preferred the sections, as apposed to the continuous page.
Is it possible to have a "jump" menu or index?
Jon Schultz commented
I agree with this 100%; I came here to create this exact issue.
In Quoteroller the descriptions span multiple columns, allowing for a much more compact line item. In PandaDoc, because the entire description is limited to one narrow column, pricing tables end up 3X longer than they were in Quoteroller. This is an incredibly poor presentation to our customers, and a simple fix allowing us to span columns (or doing so by default) would go a long long way.
Ideally span everything but the rightmost column (presumable the subtotal for the line item for most people), or simply allow the user to define behavior.
Rubesh Pillai commented
I set up in PandaDoc just today and copied all my templates from QuoteRoller... whereas, earlier, my QuoteRoller pricing table was just two pages long, in PandaDoc, now, it is about 7 pages long. This is a must see feature.