Autosize aspect ratio of drawn signature to fill size of signature box
When a person signs a document and they choose to digitally draw their signature in the box (versus type and use the default font), the resulting image does not auto-size to fit the size of the signature box. It comes out so small it doesn't even look like a signature. In speaking with PD support, it was recommended to me to make the size of the signature box extra large so that when someone chooses to digitally draw their signature, it will come out a little larger. For us to enlarge the signature box, we now have to redesign our contract signature block. Ideally it would work like Adobe Sign where if you digitally draw your signature, the resulting image is auto-scaled to fit the size of the signature box. I have shared a digitally drawn signature vs a typed signature in the same size signature box.

Anonymous commented
Have the drawn signature fill out the entire field space