Spellchecker: Spell Check in App like Grammarly
Add a spell checker to app
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Steven Oakes commented
please add the ability to use grammerly
Francesca White commented
Add the ability for Pandadoc to check the spelling in the document - similar to how word doc does
Jon Draper commented
I'm amazed this is still not built-in, or that there's not any good workaround outside of copying out to Grammarly or Word.
We produce our studio quotes and inevitably some typos slip through the net which is damaging to the effectiveness of the pitches/quotes and overall finish.
If Grammarly could work when creating documents it would be of real benefit. But I'd take any spell check. (*I've just used Grammarly to fix typos in this chat box... so that works at least :-)
Christina Moss commented
Really archaic that Pandadoc does not have spell check feature. There is A LOT of typing that goes on in the program for it NOT to have a spellcheck (for the price, its expected!) My current work around is to take everything I have typed, paste into a Word document, correct the spellings and then paste back into PandaDoc. Ridiculous.
Andrew vaughan commented
I recommend that you include a tool to check spelling in both the document template and when sending the document as an attachment. This is a basic, simple feature missing from this product.
Benjamin Reimann commented
Need Grammarly to work with PandaDoc, for some reason it is not able to parse the text.
Paul Battaglia commented
We need a spell checker as a minimum.
Arvi Martinez commented
Grammarly check will help best in creating professional docs.
Anisa Aven commented
Mindblown... that there's not real spell-check.
Sandeep Banga commented
Mistakes creep in no matter how careful you are. This is important.
Lena Panfilenko commented
in-built PandaDoc spell checker
Arthur Feduniv commented
I miss this feature so much!
Bram de Vos commented
support for Microsoft Edisdtor in the browser,messes the layout completely
Craig Weisbaum commented
The title says it all
Ntchidje Doumbia commented
Make sure third party spell checkers like Grammarly and Antidote work. As of now they're not fully compatible.
AdminMike Turke (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
use of Grammarly in the editor