CPQ calculations: Excel Formulas.
Enable much higher flexibility in CPQ with Excel-like formulas that allow summing up the columns you like or aggregating a total based on custom rules.

Hi. Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your perspective. We offer this feature in scope of a broader solution, namely:
We hope these releases can help you. If not, please keep upvoting this idea, so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Arvi Martinez commented
a pricing table whereby the user is able to enter a quantity and the rate charged per quantity will automatically update based on quantity selected.
David Marsh commented
This would definitely help to streamline contracts by allowing the client to choose their price using a calculator.
I would like to see the client choose the service location, the term of the agreement, the number of widgets, other widget options that would change the product SKU, the description, and their monthly/yearly pricing.
Ryan Christopher commented
We provide financing options for our products and services. Currently, we need to manually multiply the Total Amount by the payment factor. For example, if the total amount is $7500 and someone wants to know what their monthly payment will be for 60 months at 6.99%, the payment factor is the Total amount multiplied by 0.0198. This gives you a monthly payment of $148.50 per month.
With the ability to have options within the pricing table, the total amount can change, thus making it nearly impossible to come up with every monthly payment option for multiple finance options.
Having a field that is based on a formula for the pricing total variable, will allow an automatic calculation for presenting low monthly payment options. A huge selling and closing tool!
one way to address this is by inserting a formula based on the (Pricing Table.Total * 0.0198).
Kevin Lee commented
I assumed this would be core product. Can you not create basic formulas in pricing tables? That is strange
Ashley Dadd commented
Yes - Formulas would be a game changer
AdminSolomiia Mereniuk (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
should be possible to do a field a formula? For example, I want to do a formula that shows the dollar amount of our seasonal discount that is a % of another field.
Peter Hiebert commented
Yes please! Formulas!
Yan le Luyer commented
Yes! In my propositions, on the last line of a Pricing table I manually subtotalize all upper lines costs, and then apply a production fee multiplying this global subtotal by a %.
But if I authorize options boxes by clients, my production fee line will not be updated.
It would be great to have a bottom line option, offering a formula like : =sum(above.section.subtotals)*[%multiplier.column).
Bruce Fillmore commented
Add simple formula ability in table cells using data from other cells, or referenced cloud based csv files. (+-*/)
Nick Rivero commented
Hey all! Some Basic formulas in tables would be great, much like Excel and Google. I know this has been requested for Pricing Tables, but this would also be useful for standard tables.
Example: I would like to calculate a series of dates based on a starting date.
Date 1 + 7 days = Date 2Dates, Numbers, Time of Day would all be useful
Ivy Leow commented
Can have the pricing table compute in different columns just like the way excel does?
Andrew Arbuckle commented
This is a must!! I waste so much time manually typing out loan repayments in each document, this would save me hours of work every week!
Michael Knill commented
Yes yes please.
AdminVeronica Carvalho (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
need advanced macro equations, similar to excel
Carmen Starnes commented
Yes please! We bill our users monthly and would appreciate having a row for "Duration (Months)" and "Monthly Total" (subtotal/Duration).
Jessica Boyd commented
YES PLEASE!! This is so important and an obvious helpful feature for all! I want to be able to set a total, and then set a breakdown of payment terms of that total. ie. 25 up front, 25 on start, 25 progress pmt, 25 on completion. it should auto calculate these amounts but instead I have to rely on a separate calculator and manual input leaving room for error!
Hubert commented
I think it will be an extremely useful tool for all kinds of businesses to be able to apply mathematical operations to price tables. I mean the simplest ones (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
The mechanism can work very similarly to excel table - take the value of column X, add Y and divide by Z (Example attached)
Roman Klinetskyi commented
more website options for table block like formulas
Anonymous commented
We are a software company and we use range of magnitude estimates. Since Panda Doc only offers fixed price options, we have to use regular tables instead of pricing tables. This takes a long time and is not efficient. It would be great if I had the option of entering a minimum and maximum price for each line item and a total minimum and maximum at the bottom. If this feature is already available, it would be big deal to us to know how to use it.
Brenda Weaver commented
Setting up a template for travel and the $ amounts for some items need to be user friendly. User needs to enter the quantity ie for lodging expense. To have them use the quantity for the change is weird - they would be confused.