Catalog product items usage reporting
It is not possible in PandaDoc to create custom reports on catalog items, depending on what items appeared in the documents with what frequency, from which sales rep, etc. It would be really convenient for management to have this tool so that we can track the activities of our sales reps.
(PD Sales Rep - it is a dealbreaker for this customer, potentially 8-10 Business level licenses).
Thank you so much for reaching out – this is a great suggestion and we have had other customers asking about this feature as well. While we’re looking into the possibility of developing it, it isn’t on our product roadmap for the next few months. Please feel free to upvote or leave your comment to let us know how and why this functionality is important for you. Thank you.
AdminSavannah Faulkner (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Would like to be able to build a report on which products were selected documents
AdminLori Nolen (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
wants to be able to see profit margin data in a report of some kind. Do we have a way to pull that kind of data out of a pricing table? Right now he's going into every document and manually calculating margins on things like FREIGHT, EQUIPMENT, and Average Margins -
Rod MacLeod commented
This feature would be super helpful to understand what items were trending each month.
Anonymous commented
Create reports on the added catalog items.
Alexander Sakhibov commented
Ability to track which product has been used how many times.