Ability to search from Dashboard
Search documents from the dashboard

Cody Reiter commented
The search field used to be there, then went away. Currently I have to go hunt for past clients daily and if I had a search field it would save a lot of time, collectively a combined hour plus in a work week.
James Gimbi commented
PLEASE add this
Zach Snyder commented
please add this! Seems silly to have to have an extra click when there could just be a search box on the dash. thanks!
Patrick Nims commented
Why is there no search option on the Dashboard page? It is a bit irritating to have to click to the Documents page in order to search for a document. Thanks.
Jean-Sébastien Catier commented
I agree, I need to be able to search across the account from a document or the dashboard, having to do to the "documents" page is a huge loss of time.