Delete/remove/edit/sort tags from the Documents/Templates/Content library tabs
At the moment (August 12 2020) It's possible to manage the tags for a specific document/template/CL item, but it's not possible to manage the tag itself. So the feature request is to implement the ability to Delete/remove/edit/sort tag(s) from the Documents/Templates/Content library tabs (those tags are shown in the left in these tabs).
The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Alexandra Quirin commented
This is required as some tags that have been created are not applicable anymore.
Jeffrey McGuire commented
It would be a great help if there were global tag-management in the UI.
As others have pointed out, many of us seem to want to be able to delete and sort tags.
My current frustration is that my “2023” tag and my “2024” tag are near the top and near the bottom of the tag selector dialog respectively (and the “tag cloud” in the Content Library). This makes no sense. I added 2023 in the last two days and 2024 today, and they are nowhere near each other.
I would love to be able to sort my tags alphabetically or manually, delete them globally (remove a tag entirely from our system), and change/update/correct tags as needed.
Thanks in advance!
AdminLori Nolen (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Comment from
I created a couple of tags that weren’t needed, but am not able to delete them. I don’t want my users to get confused. -
Wendy Para commented
We rely on tags to help keep our documents organized. Without the ability to change, delete or organize our tags creates confusion and hinders our ability to stay organized.
Anisa Aven commented
Really want to acknowledge that this is an important feature. Tags are meant to help customers locate things easily. We have hundreds of variables and without the ability to organize, improve, delete, and manage tags, we end up with a spaghetti mess of worthless tags - no matter how diligent we are are initially.
[Deleted User] commented
Option to delete tags