Improve PDF Processing Errors
when using Upload PDF to create PandaDoc via API.
if pdf fails to process we should return useful errors.
Stuart Eccles commented
Yes i would expect to be notified of errors in an async process like this through Webhooks. This happened to us because of an internal failure at Pandadoc and it took support weeks to even acknowledge the issue
Jonathan Heinl commented
Agree 100%. Upload is successful but document creation fails and it is not a separate API call. Knowing what went wrong or why it failed would be very useful in comparison to next call not finding an existing document with given ID.
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
The error when the uploaded PDF via API fails.
For now it says document uploaded and that's it (status 201 but not all clients catch that this is not the created document). -
AdminMike Turke (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
descriptive error messages in API when pricing table fails to populate due to incorrect json. ideally something like "Cannot find pricing table with that name"
use case: incorrect Pricing table name in the json so the service did not know where to put the data
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
The option for API returns number of page where validation failed and detailed explanation (field tags call).