Pricing Table (Quote Builder): Input negative quantity / value.
ability to input negative quantities (when users are removing products from their master contract)
Use Case: AMs removing 1 license and replacing it with a diff license (reallocation) and the client needs to see that
NOTE: the negative quantity is only available for the PandaDoc Quote Builder/CPQ.
Sunita Pathik commented
Lena, are you saying that with early access we can have a negative price for a product in quote builder? If so, I would like early access to this please!
Scott Haney commented
Please make this a priority it's very important we have this supported
Savannah Faulkner commented
Ability to add negative quantity/ values/ price to items in Quote Builder
Christopher Brody commented
Christopher Brody commented
I need this
Hiep Nguyen commented
Would be nice to have the ability to support Negative Line Item.
John Kagan commented
We currently map, via SKU codes, Catalog items with negative dollar amounts to Stripe Coupons.
Editor 2.0 now prevents us from creating a catalog item with a negative dollar amount. We also can't edit existing entries with negative dollar amounts.
However, interestingly you can change the dollar amount in the pricing table to a negative value after adding the catalog item to the pricing table. It seems like the difference is just an input validation change in the editor.
Alexander Sakhibov commented
Ability to create products with negative value.
Natallia Skarabahatava commented
Option to create a doc from an opportunity record in Salesforce when product quantity is negative