Simplify Manual to Complete Status Change
Need to have a simple ‘manual complete’ the document feature, similar to 1.0 On 2.0 you have to be on the main company list of docs, find yours and then click on the 3 dots, then manually complete, download and then upload back into zoho. Too many steps that slow down the process. Should be easy, click manual complete, insert PO# and/or brief statement, and should automatically go into zoho. (similar to 1.0)
This is especially true if a client doesn’t complete the document using the online signature. It take more steps to complete manually on 2.0 than on 1.0 and unfortunately, the majority of my clients still provide me approval via phone or email, so using 2.0 always added some extra steps for me, whether creating the document or completing it.

Molly Abrams commented
For the manual complete, just give an option in the three dots drop down list, for changing the status from (draft, sent, viewed) to completed when the document is opened. Same as what version 1 had.
This one you have to go to the full ‘created by me list’ (line by line) and use the three dots to get the ‘change status’ line, but some documents that get approved are older and way down on the list. Typically when a client calls to approve, we open zoho to create the job, so I click on the sent panda doc to complete (as its quicker than searching the panda doc list)
If you open the panda doc from within zoho, (so you have the full document open that was sent) there is no manual complete. So this open page also needs the ‘change status’ option as well.