Group Check Boxes to Require One to be Checked / Select Atleast One Logic
I want to be able to group check box fields to require one checkbox to be selected in the group.
Currently, we cannot make the single check box fields required, because the customer may not need to check all of the check boxes but they need to select at least one (and often more than one) in a group.
You'll find this is common on IRS forms, where you select the checkboxes that apply to your situation.
We would like to make sure that the recipient does select at least one check box in the group before moving on.
A radio button doesn't help for this use case because they may need to select more than one of the options.
Example, IRS Form 8850 has these kinds of check boxes where at least one must be selected but multiple could be selected.
Hi. We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. Please keep upvoting this idea so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Should you come across any other ideas that suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to give them an upvote!
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
This is a good feature to have as there is an option to group radio buttons.
Another is to remove the labels on the grouped radio buttons, it does not help specially if the radio button is used on PDF's that already has labels and just needs to select one of many radio button options
Andrew Fisher commented
This is important for us - and a feature offered by some of your biggest competitors - including one I won't mention but whose name rhymes with Mock-you-swine.
Annie Hu commented
Any updates? This is a critical need for us. We could also accept if there's the ability to mark a field as required for REVIEW, vs. required to fill out
Sherwin John Mendoza commented
The customer would like the checkbox fields to be combined. Once one of the checkboxes is selected, the other checkbox will no longer be required.
Anonymous commented
Allow only one checkbox to be selected in a group
Mat Howard commented
We have documents where we provide multiple checkboxes for a single question. For example, we may ask a user their gender. So we provide "Male", "Female", "Prefer not to say" as the options.
We would like to group these checkboxes together and say the group is required. So the user would need to select at least one of the checkboxes in the group.
Samuel Oldenburg commented
We need this for both checkboxes, and text fields as we have a document where one of two text fields must be completed for the form to be valid, but our users are continually skipping the fields because it cannot be forced.
Ellen Wintrow commented
The radio buttons don't allow us to enter our own options or change the size/spacing to fit our documents.
Ellen Wintrow commented
You can't specify one checkbox most of the time, but one is required - such as when marking tax filing status (single/married/head of household), gender, EEO-C status, I-9 citizenship status, etc. This would be helpful when choosing from a list of options but ensuring that they aren't all looked over.