Dynamic reference to section headers
When you write contracts you typically reference another section in the document. For example you might say "as per Section 2.6". But if you then decide that section 2.6 needs to be moved, and it changes to section 3.3, all of the places in the document that say "as per section 2.6" won't dynamically change. This leads to broken references in the document.
I would like section headers to get an ID and number/title properties. You would reference them like this: [ID.title] or [ID.name]. So in the above example, I'd go to Section 2 and get the ID. Lets call it "XYZ". Then, when I'm writing my document I'd say "as per Section [XYZ.number]". This way it doesn't matter if I move section XYZ around, all the places referencing it will display the correct number.