Unpaid and Paid Invoices Report
Pandadoc should have an option for creating reports for PAID and UNPAID invoices.
As of now, I am unable to create a report showing which clients are still pending to make a payment and who have already paid. Due to amount of invoicing and receiving payments by other means other than apps linked to pandadoc, it would be very helpful to have an option to create a report for paid and unpaid invoices to follow up with clients for payment.
Reports should have information on Client/Company such as address, email, description of services, amount billed, date invoice was sent, unpaid/paid, if it was paid to show information on payment such as, form of payment, date and description for those payments manually changed due to receiving cash, ACH, checks or other forms of payment not linked to pandadoc.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
I need to be able to draw a report yearly weekly quarterly about what was sold and what was lost and what is pending per agent