Conditional approvals based on the Sender
Ability to set the condition based on who is the sender. Example, new rep is sending document - approval required. Experienced rep is sending a document - approval is not required.
Sandy Hussain commented
Voted for conditional approvals. Makes a lot of sense.
Frankie Hendrix commented
The delay of having to wait for approval for the top Directors of Growth who are closing the highest volume could very well kill a deal for them.
Ralph Cartwright commented
what Paria said...
Nora Shepard commented
If it's a standard SOW without additional changes, and/or if it's someone's specific speciality/dept (like Corey with web, or me with PB), would love for no approval needed. I generally really like having an extra set of eyes on contracts, but most of the time by the time we get to contract phase, we've asked the respective people what we need to know.
Paria Bagheri commented
Please fix this so qualified reps do not have to wait on managers for contract approvals!!
David Chon commented
If I'm back to back in meetings or working late in the evening because I promised the prospect that I'll get them the contract by EOD, I don't want to wait for approval.
If anyone ever adjusts the contract deliverables/pricing without approval from channel heads or doesn't include Hawke AI when it should be, then revoke this permission from that particular BDE. if hawke AI will be excluded, then I'm fine having to get approval.