Webhook History: Add Document UUID Column
When trying to find a webhook related to a document, the current setup is incredibly inefficient. The only way to find a document is based on the time & date stamp. The other filters are okay, but, not enough to make our jobs easier.
Please not only show the Document ID but also provide a means to filter based on it.
Date filter is not that great. The window of time jumps from 1 to 4 to 12 to 24 to 168 hours. Who's idea was this? Give your developers something that helps them.
As an exercise to prove my point, try and locate the most recent webhook for document CtRxhVAGZWsz5Rj54k8b7Z. A typical request from my users might look like this - "The contract was executed sometime around 10 AM on September 27." This assumes that the webhook went out within seconds of then. If there was a late delivery and the webhook went out an hour later...I'm spending enormous amounts if time trying to find the needle in the haystack.