Show Percentage and currency amount
It's also a great idea if the Quote or Pricing table can show % and the amount corresponding to the % or vice versa. This way, the client is made aware of the % and amount saved/added
Kevin Au commented
To give a practical example: If I need to charge a flat 20% VAT, I don’t want my sales team manually calculating and entering the tax as a dollar amount. If they adjust any pricing table details, they’d have to recalculate the tax manually. It makes much more sense to apply VAT as a percentage, so any changes to line items, prices, or quantities automatically update the total tax.
The problem: Customers can’t see the actual tax amount—it only shows as a percentage in the quote. It’s important for them to clearly understand what they’re paying for goods/services vs. tax. For example, if the goods total $50,000 with 20% VAT, the customer only sees the grand total of $60,000. To find the VAT amount ($10,000), they’d have to subtract the pre-VAT total. While this is simple in this case, more complex pricing makes such mental math inconvenient.
Another issue: When toggling between % and $ in tax settings:
1. Switching from % to $ correctly displays the dollar amount, but it no longer shows the original percentage.
2. If I adjust line items while displaying tax as $, the tax amount doesn’t recalculate. I have to switch back to %, make changes, and then switch to $ again.Overall, this feels unnecessarily complicated just to display basic tax info. When you buy something in a store, the receipt shows both the % and $ amounts—why force us to choose one over the other?