768 results found
2 votes
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2 votes
PDF Portfolio files to be supported by PandaDoc
At the moment we don't support PDF Portfolio file upload in PD documents.
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2 votes
Ability to remove custom formatting of the text so that theme settings are applied EV2
Currently custom formatting is overriding the theme settings and there is no way to remove it
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Customized option to show
To show only the information related to the section the recipient chooses.
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2 votes
Save all the third-party signatures properties
When a PDF with a third-party signature is uploaded to PandaDoc, this signature loses it's properties and, I assume, legality. So when you download this doc from PandaDoc, you need to re-sign it in a third-party tool, if the PandaDoc signature is not appropriate for you for legal reasons.
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2 votes
2 votes
Unchecked boxes disappear once sent to client
Make the check boxes options that are not "checked" from the sender's side disappear once the document is sent to the client.
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Accept logo without modifications
Put the horizontally placed logo where height and length are quite different (l: 8000 px w: 1000 px) without any modifications.
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Allow Changes to Original Items Reflect on the Same Item in a Shared Workspace
Currently, templates and CLI's that are edited in their original workspace do not have the same changes reflected to the same items that are shared in other workspaces in the org.
This causes great problems for clients, if those shared items are used for smart content, for example, no changes to the original item will reflect on the shared items. This causes clients to make several manual changes, duplicating the items so they will reflect the changes in the shared workspaces as well as reconfiguring smart content rules.
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Conditional fields maintain in content library
When saving something in the content library that has conditional field rules, those rules stay. Currently they are cleared out.
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Option to remove or hide the content blockl section
An option to remove or hide the content block section from the right side navigation under the plus sign.
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a dropdown menu inside a table cell
a dropdown menu option inside a table cell.
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"Printed name" auto populated option for building a template
I need a "Printed Name" box field that auto populates the clients name instead of a "text box" for them to write out their name. when I ask for a document to be signed it always needs "printed name" and "signature" but right now Pandadoc only has the option for clients to write out their name manually
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Change Case Setting
Be able to adjust any text's case, , including dynamic content, to either Uppercase, Lowercase, Title Case, Sentence Case.
1 vote
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