549 results found
On the day exchange rate calculation.
We quote off a Euro price list in NZD. I want to enter the current conversion rate in one place to correctly convert all Euro pricing in the quote to the current NZD.
3 votes -
2 votes
ability to resize the fields to smaller without hiding the data in pdf
ability to resize the fields to smaller without hiding the data in pdf
8 votes -
Upload multiple files in a single collect files field
Option to upload multiple files in a single collect files field
37 votesThe status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
1 vote
2 votes
Total cost in words - variable
Variable that will type out total cost in words as well as numbers.
2 votes -
Fillable fields placed inline with text blocks and tables
Being able to place a fillable field in line with text in a paragraph or table could vastly improve the contiguity of design within a block of text.
27 votes -
3 votes
Custom roles: restrick view of validation fields
In custom role settings add setting to disable the view of validation (masked) fields for the user.
2 votes -
2 votes
1 vote
Make Variable Field Type Boxes Expandable
I have to type a paragraph or more into some variable fields each time I send an estimate. I realize that there are other text field options, but variable was used on purpose for formatting reasons. Please make the text box expandable so that I dont have to select and scroll back through the text each time I need to edit, its a nightmare!
8 votes -
ability to extend a dropdown field
ability to extend a dropdown field as it works with any other fields
6 votes -
profit&margin variables
ability to use pricing tables profit&margin variables
4 votes -
Vertical placement of fields
some documents require a signature on the side of the page however the signature needs to be vertical as opposed to horizontal
5 votes -
Complete a conditional field (as a Signature), before being able to download an attachment
Hi, I'd like to create a receipt that has to be signed before downloading an attachment. This way, the recipient wouldn't be able to see this attachments unless he completes the receipt.
2 votes -
Populate Document Expiration Date Variable before sending
Be able to see the document expiration date variable filled in document before sending
8 votes -
Min/max numbers for text field validation (Numbers only)
Text field validation_Numbers only: having an option to require a minimum number of numbers
10 votes -
1 vote
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