Ability to reorder variables in variables List

Rona commented
Give us the option to choose how to order the list of Variables:
1) by order of appearance within template,
2) alphabeticallyForcing us to to view the Variables alphabetically doesn't let us fill out our template in logical order, based on how we designed it. Sorry PandaDoc - this is freakin' stupid. Please fix it so we have the option of sorting the view.
On top of that - you don't let us RENAME variables! So if I want to manually fix this by adding a number in front of every variable (1, 2, 3 ..) so that the variable list appears logically instead of alphabetically, I CAN'T without deleting and recreating every variable. Again - sorry PandaDoc - REALLY poor design. What are your designers thinking? Sorry to be so cranky, but I've been exploring PandaDoc for only a few days and I've encountered SO MANY basic features sorely lacking. Really disappointed. Hope you make things better soon. Already searching for alternative services.
Tyler Winn commented
The variables should be sequenced in the order of appearance in the document. Alpha order is not naturally how users work through document fields.
Matthew Savoie commented
The variables tool window fields are listed out of sequence compared to the templates themselves. Would like this addressed or the ability to reorder them to match template/document variables.
Cavin Joshua De Quiroz commented
The ability to rearrange custom-made variables by clients
Natallia Skarabahatava commented
Placing the variables on the right-hand panel in the order they occur within the document
Caroline Fornuto commented
Be able to custom sort the variables
The order of the variables on the right should be the same as the order of the variables in a document
Olga Pyrko commented
Ability to reorder variables and sort them on the side panel
Nani Ancheta commented
arrange the variables in Editor 2 alphabetically when used in documents like in ev1- arrange the variables in Editor 2 alphabetically when used in documents like in ev1
[Deleted User] commented
Assign variables by order
Implement an ability to see the variables listed in the same order they were created in the document. ( currently [July 29 2020] they are placed in the alphabetic order only). The ability to switch the mode (alphabetic/time) will be very nice.
AdminShannon Morgan (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Ability to re-order how variables are displayed in PandaDoc
AdminSara Rodriguez (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Have token list appear in the order they are found in the document