Dynamic variables
They would like dynamic variables that will auto-populate based on what product options the customer chooses in the document or other values

Hi. We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. Please keep upvoting this idea so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Should you come across any other ideas that suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to give them an upvote!
Daniel Finamore commented
We're looking for Dynamic Variables to be adjusted with the Signatory. So if we utilize Signing Groups we would like the variables such as [Signer.FirstName] etc... to update depending on who in the Group is signing the doucment. Or if the doucment is sent to the incorrect person, and we allow forwarding. It would be great if the dynamic variables updated with the new signer.
Currently we can't enable "Allow Document Forwarding" and Variables at all. We are forced to use fillable fields, making the team members fill these out 100% for an instance were a signer needs to change 1% of the time.
If Panda Doc could do a calculation. Our pricing table we add to this document calculates the total value dynamically so our customers can choose options so we can't do a manual update.
I was hoping we could use a function like [document.value/0.5]
The deposit values and document values need to be dynamic.