Built-in Document Translator: Option to convert the document content to another language
built-in translator within PandaDoc

The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Chris Kennedy commented
Having the option for the user to change the document to a language they understand, and their copy in that language, but retain the English for our records would be incredibly helpful. As of now, we have to create completely separate forms adding a lot of rework, as well as then our processors can't read them, so some come down to choosing between giving good customer service or allowing our employees to do their job. Right now a loose loose situation. Even just a basic machine translation would be helpful, or the ability to create a mask of the form. I can get the translation and entered in, we just need the functionality to allow it to be shown in that manner.
Martin van Rijn commented
Would increase email send speed tremendously, as I know have to type the subjectline manually every time. It's always in Dutch, but I send English contracts.
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Option to change the content of the document to different language.
- Will allow the user to change the content of the document on thier desired language.
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Option to convert the document content to another language.
Option to translate document itself into different languages