Table of contents: PDF page breaks recognition
Table of Contents Page Numbering does not align with PDF Proposal generated and shows incorrect numbering

Hi. We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. Please keep upvoting this idea so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Should you come across any other ideas that suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to give them an upvote!
AdminJenna Tinney (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
On long documents that have to be downloaded or printed, this can completely mess up page numbers of documents. In some situations (such as legal documents) correct page numbers is critical and therefore this can be a blocker for customers.
Grace Miller commented
The page numbering in the Table of Contents does not align with the page numbers in the PDF proposal generated. There is no option to select a size that corresponds to PDF size, as the only options are "US Letter, A4, or Slide". When we asked for help, we were told to delete the page numbers on the Table of Contents. That is not a solution...
We would appreciate if this could be resolved as soon.
Jordan Stauder commented
The page numbers on the Table of Contents do not correspond to the actual page numbers of the document if the ToC expands into additional pages.
Once a PDF is generated, My “Heading 1” shows on Page 3 on the ToC, but it is actually on page 9 since the Table of Contents doesn't count the pages required for its own table in the document unless I can split the ToC myself into multiple pages. If the PDF Page Breaks split the table for me once a PDF is generated, the page numbers no longer correspond.
If I can split the table into multiple pages myself, it would probably solve the problem.
Right now, the page is split automatically once a PDF is generated, so I guess the ToC Page is considered "1 page" even though the generation into a PDF will split the table to additional pages. Once the PDF is generated and the ToC splits into multiple pages, those pages are numbered through the Footer numbering system but the ToC does not update itself.
Maybe have the table auto-refresh once a PDF is generated.Currently, if you have a document where the ToC expands into multiple pages, the ToC would be useless through PandaDoc and would have to go into Adobe and edit each page number individually or create a ToC elsewhere.
Thank you for the consideration.
Aaron Adams commented
Currently the Table of Contents numbering does not recognize a PDF page break as a new page number. This should be changed so that tables of contents recognize page breaks in their numbering. If not, then page breaks should just move content onto a new blank page and eliminate the estimated PDF page break so that numbering is accurate. I currently am having to manually create page breaks in my 30 page document and cut/paste content so that my table of content is accurate.
Chris McCarthy commented
If you insert PDFs into your document, the Table of Contents does not count them as additional pages.
- Page 1 is created using PandaDoc
- Then a 2-page PDF is inserted via Content Library after page 1
- A new page is created after the PDF, at what should be Page 4
- Refreshing the TOC will show this as Page 2, completely ignoring the PDFFortunately, downloading the entire document as a PDF automatically adds page numbers to ALL pages, including any embedded PDF document pages, so all you have to do is edit the PDF using Adobe Acrobat editor and correct the page numbers in the TOC.