Automated tools within PandaDoc that eliminate text copying to Notepad for fixing common formatting issues.
Automated tools within PandaDoc that eliminate the current need for manual, time-consuming workarounds like text copying to Notepad for fixing common formatting issues.
"Work Around provided by PandaDoc support: Cut and paste the text into Notepad. Cut and paste the text back into PandaDoc."
"My workaround: One-by-one highlight each block of text in a paragraph and click the 'Clear Formatting' button in PandaDoc."
Hi. We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. Please keep upvoting this idea so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Should you come across any other ideas that suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to give them an upvote!
oliver.grogan commented
Impossible to import legal documents with anything more than a simple number format from word. Just spent a number of hours restructuring an 19-page document to include 1, 1.1, a, i , format. Frustrating to the point of unusable.
Anonymous commented
When we convert our docx documents to editable versions in PandaDoc, some formatting and text are lost. Please improve this feature
AdminSara Rodriguez (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Improve docs imports and downloads. Ideal scenario is the docx reflects the format seen in the PandaDoc editor perfectly. Logos in headers should not shift.
Grégoire Guirauden commented
The conversion of Word and Google Doc format is just horrible. It is a real limit, sufficient to churn.
There are a considerable amount of improvement to the Word import option that could enhance PandaDoc customer experience. Firstly, when pulling in documents from Word, customers lose the ability to retain the footer in each section. While setting up a new footer is relatively easy, doing it a hundred times over is tedious and a time-suck. There's also the case where certain items coming in from word just simple don't pull into PandaDoc. Such as the table of contents. There's a table of contents block, however when importing, this is removed completely. Similarly, whenever importing a document that contains a with certain cells merged, the content itself is not properly displayed in its original format. This causes an additional slow down in the progress of creating documents. The easy answer to all of this would be to create a template, however each document is different and thus creating a template for every one would be a waste of time.
In conclusion, there are changes that could be made that would enhance the satisfaction of customers, while also increasing the ROI for the time spent in generating documents/templates in PandaDoc.
Anonymous commented
Keep the same number sequencing, spacing, and formatting with uploading a document.
Kaylen Nolen commented
Would like to see enhancement made to the download documents/templates as docx. Currently, there is high probability that formatting is drastically changed after download.
Spending a lot of time either fixing the formatting of an imported Word Doc to an editable template/document or just having to create from scratch.
At this time, some formatting may be lost when uploading docx files. For example, images may be lost, background images may be lost, text formatting may be lost, text may shift, etc.
There are formatting changes in paragraph numbering, bullets, and sometimes graphics and images as well that are lost when uploading a docx file as editable in PandaDoc.
uploading documents / convert to PD file to edit. It changes formatting, sometimes pictures are deleted. logo is deleted and then have to manually add. It's minor but with so many adjustments, it can become tedious.
Sometimes for Maria, it's easier to add a pdf and upload. Would like conversion to be more streamlined and simple. -
AdminMadelyn Gunay (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
currently the word doc download looks wonky and not like the actual contract,
Aaron Reed commented
Steps to reproduce the bug"
1. Import a Word document.
2. Look at the incorrect paragraph and line spacing.
- Need to use Microsoft Word to enable reliable spelling and grammar checking.
More information:
1. Go to Design > Text
2. Change the Line spacing and the Paragraph spacing and watch how only bullet lists are affected, but not any paragraphs of text.
Work Around provided by PandaDoc support:
1. Cut and paste the text into Notepad.
2. Cut and paste the text back into PandaDoc.
- Note: this can be hours of work, just to fix the spacing.
My workaround:
- One-by-one highlight each block of text in a paragraph and click the "Clear Formatting" button in PandaDoc. Must repeat this step for each text box. Also a very time-consuming task.
- After clearing formatting, it still shows as being "Normal Text" and the Line and Paragraph spacing numbers remain as they were, but suddenly the text on the page starts respecting these settings.
Both of these workarounds require you to carefully avoid all headers and bullet lists, as this process will destroy the required formatting for those parts.
This bug needs to be solved at the import function.
Please can you give me an estimated time frame as to when you will fix the problem, as it's causing many hours of wasted time trying to fix up Panda documents?
Stephen Russell commented
We have found that when we upload a MS Word document, the page size and formatting changes. Being in Australia, our default page size is A4. I get the feeling that when the Word doc gets uploaded, it changes - possibly to Letter - which throws page formatting out.
Nani Ancheta commented
expand limitations in PandaDoc for Word
Natallia Skarabahatava commented
Due to the limitations for converting MS Word Docs into editable PandaDoc templates/documents some design features in MS Word are not imported ( for ex. smart art, shapes), also comments and notes inside MS Word are not imported.
AdminJenna Tinney (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Improve docx export so that fonts are closer to what they should be, no page numbers on the cover page, closer design/formatting from original, linked table of contents, etc.