Auto-populate recipients from Salesforce if only mobile number is indicated (for text/sms type of delivery)
Recipient mapping in SF only functions if an email is indicated for the contact which does not allow to auto-sign recipients if there is only mobile number available
Melissa Schroeder commented
I just wanted to add that lack of this functionality is pretty frustrating. If there is no email available on the contact record to be passed into pandadoc, none of the recipient info comes through so our users have to make note of the correct spelling of the clients name and their phone number and manually enter it into the pandadoc/SF recipient page which you can imagine opens up the process for error. It is also confusing to our users why sometimes the recipients info auto-populates and sometimes it doesn't. Of our approximate 14,000 contact records, only about 3000 have email addresses but all have phone numbers. Many of our clients are elderly or economically disadvantaged and just don't have/use email. Thanks!