608 results found
Pricing Table: Set a Min/Max on Quantity when it's Editable for Recipients
Be able to set a Min/Max on Quantity when it's Editable for Recipients
7 votes -
6 votes
document value should be changed to the paid amount
document value should be changed to the paid amount
3 votes -
4 votes
Copy / duplicate columns in pricing table
Duplicate price column in a pricing table.
6 votes -
Price locking in product catalog
Price locking in products in catalog
2 votes -
Catalog: Private Notes for Catalog Items
A place for private notes when adding catalog items.
4 votes -
Ability to show discount per month for pricing table line item (before multiplier applied)
Sometimes people want to show a recipient how much they are saving per month per pricing table line item in the pricing table before the 12-month-term multiplier (or whatever) is applied.
6 votes -
Customer Specific Pricing
Contact or customer number to associate them using certain pricing. Some customer have a different pricing model so it would be nice if there was a customer/contact number that would know to pull the pricing specific to them.
2 votes -
3 votes
pass category field from ZOHO product into pandadoc pricing table
pass category field from ZOHO product into pandadoc pricing table
5 votes -
Make the Document Value Required option
Make the Document Value Required to fill out instead of it being option
1 vote -
Show different totals for different product types in a pricing table
Show different totals for different product types in a pricing table. Depending on cell's value and column.
8 votes -
ev2 pricing tables- open entry text field for signers in pricing tables.
ev2 pricing tables- open entry text field for signers in pricing tables.
"I'd love to be able to add a field in Pricing Tables where signers can sort of "fill in the blank""
3 votes -
4 votes
Text color and text font transfer from Catalog to Pricing table.
Ability to transfer color from description in catalog to pricing table. Ability to change font in catalog. Editor 2.0.
8 votes -
description font in pricing table
description font is now really small and has to be updated manually. It would be good if it was added to themes.
1 vote -
ability to place a single catalog item to multiple folders
ability to place a single catalog item to multiple folders
2 votes -
More text font size options (right now, only even numbers allowed)
Be able to match text font with pricing font. Right now, the pricing table numbers are at 15 font but this is not an option in the toolbar. There are only even numbers and you can't input your own number
7 votes -
SKU column visibility: Have SKU column in pricing table invisible for recipients but visible for the PD users.
The option to make SKU column invisible for the client (when the document is sent) but visible after signing the document for the sender (or any team member).
3 votes
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