Payment required to complete the document
Add the ability to make payment mandatory for a certain document or template: so there will be no option to skip it and complete the document without making a payment.

The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Bethany Bailey commented
We need the customer to make payment before we will sign the document.
Nick Verity commented
We really need payment reminders OR mandatory payment with signature.
If people sign but don't pay, how do we follow-up with the link to pay?
Fin DL commented
At my company we frequently need clients to pay onboarding fees before the founder signs off. I would like for there to be an option to pay before the last party signs.
Anonymous commented
send a signature request that requires payment before they can view the document
Julie commented
80% of proposals are signed and then the customer does pay and he waits to see if it’s ok like that...
We have to ask again...
If we raise at a time when the client has left on something else then he lets it hang...
We raise again, everyone ends up annoying...
In short, it is essential!
Matthias Heller commented
Do we have an update on this one? Expected ETA?
Anna Kovalchuk commented
Don't let a recipient finish a document until the payment is completed
AdminLarry Shapovalov (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
DocuSign works the way that the payments can be made a 'required' field before document completion.
Jose Ortiz commented
Our customers must make a deposit in order to accept the proposal. It would be nice to have a manadatory option requiring payment to accept the proposal.
Shannon Morgan commented
Make it so that payment is required before the document can be completed.