Save entire page with header/footer in the content library

The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Kiki Schaap commented
adding header/footer option in CL documents
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Adding the entire detail of the Page Header and Footer when saving into the Content library, this way when a page is pulled out from the Content Library, the page already contains the Header and Footer Details instead of having to edit the entire Header and Footer
AdminSarah Rotunda (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Adding a whole page (not just blocks) to CL
Connie Stefanson commented
Hey, Valeryia,
So happy to hear from you! And thank you for requesting more details.
We are creating multiple employee resumes in the Content Library, using content blocks. We add these to our Documents. We would love to be able to create a template that resides in the Content Library for this purpose, containing a footer (company info), and possibly even formatting the top of the first page to contain our logo, key employee details.
Hope this helps, and thank you!
Connie Stefanson commented
Create Content Templates
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Option to make content library items for Headers/Footers
Tara Qualls commented
YES! Really missing this feature right now!
AdminKamari Ross (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Have the ability to add to and add from the content library to Header/Footer
annemieke.wellin commented
yes please!! that would help SO much!!