Edit variables names

Hi PandaDoc customers! I'm happy to announce that ability to rename variables was released
Lorraine Ashover commented
As Rona commented below, the only way to rename a custom variable is to delete it throughout a template and then create a new version and add it back in (hopefully) every place that it was used. Very frustrating and time consuming (which rather goes against the point of using PandaDoc!)
Gene Castillo commented
Able to replace variables automatically
AdminMadelyn Gunay (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Create an editable variable that will be prepopulated but able to be changed if needed
Rona commented
Allow us to rename a variable!
Right now if I want to change a variable name I have to
1) delete all instances of that variable throughout the template (sidebar doesn't let you delete a variable if it appears in template)
2) remove the variable from the list of variables in the sidebar (it still appears there, showing 0 instances in template)
3) create a new variable
4) manually insert the new variable throughout the entire template
Whaaaaaaaat? 🤯
This seems very basic. I'm surprised this basic editing ability hasn't existed since Day 1 of PandaDoc! 😢 Seriously??? Seriously.
Jillian Chamberlain commented
The ability to edit the name of a variable that has already been created with out having to delete it