Turn off auto fields snap / auto-aligning fields (workaround in comments)
Ability to turn off auto snap function when placing fields.

Thank you for taking the time to leave your request. We have great news – the feature you requested is already available. Hold the Command key on Mac (⌘) and CTRL on Windows to turn off auto-positioning and place fields anywhere in your document.
Jaynna Ellis Dela Llana commented
Ability to turn off the auto snap in Blank Pages.
Jaynna Ellis Dela Llana commented
Client(Crystalbrook Marina): Ability to turn off the Place Fields prompt that appears with every new document
Austin Craig commented
You can select the fields and use the arrow keys to shift the field, ignoring the snap rules.
Dylan Wilkinson commented
When adding fillable fields to a template, the system attempts to center/align the new field with an existing fillable field on the page. This makes it difficult to align the new field with a specific text area especially if that text area is not associated with a fillable field.
Jaynna Ellis Dela Llana commented
Please allow as well the fields to adopt the previously set format like size, colors, and other properties.
Tamara Radon commented
I fill out the same contracts over and over, resizing for each field/document is inefficient to say the least. Please consider!
Benyamin Holley commented
Would be simple enough to make a key combo like shift + a turn auto align on or off I would think. Or just put a button in the UI somewhere.
Jordan Daniel Mills commented
Auto snap must be a user defined parameter. Otherwise, this app makes documents look unprofessional. Thanks
cbunnermusic commented
This auto align feature is great in theory, but AWFUL in practice. It is such a time eater to not be able to drag and place without the autosnap feature. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a way to circumvent this other than using arrow keys (which is still dreadfully slow).
Nick Stine commented
PandaDoc is awesome, I use it exclusively for e-signature.
But I DREAD having to build a new NDA or contract because of this stupid auto snap function
Nadia Marie commented
AdminValeryia Baranava (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Hi there!
Thank you for your feature request submitted to PandaDoc! We do appreciate it! Please kindly be advised that there is an option to place the fields on your documents without auto-aligning. For this, please use your keyboard arrows to navigate the fields. Here's how it is working: share.getcloudapp.com/7Ku6EY4q
Have a wonderful day!
Mark de Boer commented
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Option to disable Fields Auto alignment.
- will allow the user to freely align fields base on thier preference
Devon Starling commented
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME TURN IT OFF! This is making my paperwork look so unprofessional. I don't think DocUSign has this feature.
Jeremi Ramos commented
Please... For the love of God and all that is sane... Let me turn of the auto-snapping!
Dirk commented
This is really a deal breaker here. I want to move the text or image where I want. Only on the cover page there is a movable text block. I really need the movable text block on every page. So I can start designing :)
Jenna Wojcik commented
It would be SO helpful of this was a feature we could turn on/turn off. It's incredibly frustrating when you are trying to add fields to an uploaded file and PandaDoc tells you where you can add fields. I wish I had perfectly symmetrical docs but alas, we don't. So now we are producing wonky docs.
Rachel Madsen commented
YES! The auto-snap function adjusts each field to the other fields and I cannot adjust the fields to align with my native document.
JUAPI Energy commented
I need this. In some cases it helps, in a lot of cases it does not.