Adding the recipient twice in the signing order / Allow one email to hold two separate places in a signing order.

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Vipul Khamar commented
Hi. While adding a new "group" is a good workaround, is there any plan to allow entry of the same recipient twice (without having to enter a new group)? DocuSign allowed us to sign and then countersign as it's a common workflow within the HealthCare industry.
Anonymous commented
Signing order per signature not per person, for example:
Person A will sign signature box 1 and signature box 3
They cannot sign signature box 3 until signature box 2 has been signed by Person B -
Sign more than one time at designated times within a workflow
Signatory to be in more than 1 place in a signing order. (both senders and recipients)
would like to identify the position in the workflow.
Same signatory in multiple places within the workflow. -
For example, one signer has to take action twice (separately) within the same document. To demonstrate this example, here is the signing order: Signer 1 > Signer 2 > Signer 1 > Signer 3.
Info/signatures are required from Signer 1 and 2 prior to Signer 1 being able to fill out their second portion of the document before Signer 3 receives it. I haven't had success in developing this yet, as I have been unable to successfully have one signer able to receive the document twice in the workflow. -
Gary Thistlethwaite commented
This is an absolute must for us!
Savannah Faulkner commented
This would allow a document to be sent back to one of the previous signers to sign again. This is helpful when you are not able to use the approval workflow feature.
Savannah Faulkner commented
Ability to have a recipient sign, and then the Sender approve the signature before the document is Completed
Anna Kovalchuk commented
For one person/email to be able to sign a document two times on different stages
Anonymous commented
to sign the document for the second time once it is signed by the recipient.
The client has a signing order. They want to sign the document, then send it to the other recipients and after that sign it again. For now, the document cannot be sent to the second signer unless the first signer signs it if the signing order to turned on.
Quincy Berg commented
One person can sign in multiple places in the signing order. Right now PandaDoc doesn't allow you to place one email in multiple signing order positions, the signing order breaks
Quincy Berg commented
if you use the gmail trick where you add +1 to the end of someones email that is an ok workaround but the signature certificate doesn't hold a proper audit trail
Émilie Csukassy commented
Have the possibility that a signatory signs several times but in a different order of signature.
# 1 sign
# 2 sign
# 1 Sign (acknowledgement of receipt) -
Necessity for HR Workflow:
Signer #1 - Supervisor enters in employee review
Signer #2 - HR submits raise and approval signature
Signer # 3 - Supervisor sits down with employee and signs to acknowledge they discussed the review and raise
Signer #4 - Employee signsSigner #1 & #3 are the same email
The customer would like to be able to have the first signer sign the document and then be able to approve it before it gets sent to the second signer -- to make sure all of the information was inputted correctly from the first signer.
AdminMadelyn Gunay (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Option to send back the form to the first signer for final completion
Sylvia Lopez commented
I need to be able to add a recipient (at least one) to the signing order twice. I never had this issue with DocuSign so I know it can be done.
AdminMike Turke (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
list recipient in signing order multiple times to sign before and after another recipients
AdminVera Andreeva (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
need to be able to put one and the same email to the signing order twice. This feature is most important. The President needs to review/approve and sign out a field with initials prior to final signature.