Edit/change/delete recipients on a sent and pre-signed document. Ability to update recipient signer email address after document is sent
Hi there 👋
I'm excited to share that we've made it easier to update recipient details and reassign fields to another signer—even after you've hit Send.
Here's how it works:
1. Open a sent document.
2. Navigate to the settings of a recipient who hasn’t signed the document yet.
3. Click the action button:
– "Edit personal details" to update any information related to this recipient (e.g. Email, First Name, Last Name).
– "Change signer" to reassign fields to another signer.
– "Remove from document" to remove a CC recipient. Actually, now you can add and remove CC recipients not only in a sent document but even in a completed one.
For more information please visit our Help center. We will soon release the ability to perform all the actions above via PandaDoc API.
Thank you,
Igor Stefaniuk | Principal Product Manager
Sandra Halladey commented
creator should be able to add a signer without having to edit the doc and get approval again? Thanks in advance
Mike Dolphin commented
Yes. Currently, any recipient can forward their signing authority to another person. The DOCUMENT OWNER should also have this ability, for any of the recipients.
Simply enable the owner to be allowed to forward from any recipient to another email (could be a different person, or simply an updated email for that recipient). -
Reassign fields on a sent/viewed document (the same feature as was in the Classic Editor)
Courtney Nicolls commented
It would be great if the DOCUMENT CREATOR had the ability to add a CC'd recipient after the document has been sent or the ability to FORWARD the document. To have to recall/resend is a bit cumbersome.
Carson Firth commented
If a signer is added to a document and fields assigned to them, it should be possible to change the signer's name (in case of a misspelling) on the document without removing them and re-adding them.
Natallia Skarabahatava commented
Ability to reassign fields on a sent document without having to revert it back to Draft
Sarah White commented
please make pandadoc 2.0 title of the document editable and to be able to change signers without having to edit the whole document. we request our clients upload multiple documents into our packets and it makes it difficult that we have to edit the entire thing if we need to make any changes. if they've already starting uploading their documents and i have to edit, they lose all their previous uploads.
The ability to add another recipient after a document has been sent without having to put the document into draft status and then be sent out and signed by all parties again.
Jonathan Heinl commented
Once a document is created via the API, it is impossible to alter an email address tied to a recipient. In our use cases, it is completely possible that initial email addresses at the time the document is created, have changed before given recipients get around to signing the document.
Terah Sauer commented
Having the option to replace the sent email to a valid email
Nani Ancheta commented
to be able to edit the signers/ recipient info on a document level
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Change the email on a send document Ev2
Ben Paulo Adalla commented
adjust emails of recipients within draft without having to adjust contacts
AdminAlexander Litvin (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Ability to remove the signers within the document without having to ediit the document.
change recipients in sent documents
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Change the signer when the document is sent.
AdminAlexander Litvin (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Ability to change the recipient's email in the document draft without having to adjust the contacts infromation/adding new contact
AdminMadelyn Gunay (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Ability to edit recipient on a sent document without removing the field content
changing email of a recipient for sent document