Customize who receives email notifications
As of right now, email notifications (viewed, completed, failed) are sent to whoever sends the document. This feature would allow for that to be customized- allowing for different individuals to receive these emails.

The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Hugues Baillargeon commented
It is very important for us! Our accounting team needs to be notified everytime a new document is signed.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
It is also crucial for an option to have the approver receive notification on the status of those documents he approved
Savannah Faulkner commented
For Forms as well
Jaynna Ellis Dela Llana commented
Ability to modify notifications
Savannah Faulkner commented
Would like the option for Managers to receive an email notification once documents created by other team members have been viewed and signed.
Savannah Faulkner commented
Would like the option to send notifications about comments and when each signer signs to the CC'd recipients.
Luke Settle commented
I want to be able to customize what notifications CC recipients receive. Currently if they are CCed they get 2 notifications. 1 for the document being created, and another for the completed document. This doesn't make sense - they are not signing it, why wouldn't you be able to customize and only send them 1 completed document file?
Tim Koeshall commented
Managers need to be made aware of all status changes for documents sent by their teams. Currently, we have to be cc on a document to have the completed status provided.
Alexander Sakhibov commented
Ability to switch the recipient (an email address) for notifications within the account.