Disable access to the document for recipients once it's completed
Disable access to the document for recipients once it's completed

Jomarie Papas commented
Restrict recipients in accessing signed and completed documents after specific days.
R/H & Associates commented
The clients have been complaining about thinking they had to sign again. We are tired of
receiving Mutiple emails and wasting paper by reprinting them not realizing we already had them.DOCU SIGN does not have this problem...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
restrict the access to the completed document for one of the recipients
Guys Hardholt commented
Once a document has been sent and signed, it should be possible to undo sharing of the document. These links end up in CRM systems and it’s fairly easy to unconsciously sent it to a non-authorized recipient. With GDPR compliancy in mind, this is not a best practice and should be improved without the user needing to delete the signed document. Ideally, by a setting where the document can be unshared after it has been signed by all parties.