Selective Notification Options For Different Documents (Disable completed document notifications on specific documents)
Selective notification options for different documents... It would be great if there was a way to turn off notifications for just one type of document. For example, I would like to receive notifications for individual documents that I create, but not for every single form response that I get...

Thank you so much for reaching out – this is a great suggestion and we have had other customers asking about this feature as well. While we’re looking into the possibility of developing it, it isn’t on our product roadmap for the next few months. Please feel free to upvote or leave your comment to let us know how and why this functionality is important for you. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Ability to have a notification setting option to stop document notifications. Once the status is changed to Declined.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
ability to turn off document notifications to the customers
Kelly Szczurek commented
Ability to only have one email go out to a cc'd recipient as opposed to the two that automatically go out when the document has been completed.
Jonathan Monje commented
Ability to have a notification setting option to "stop completed document notifications". This is triggered after marking the document as finished.
Luke Settle commented
Ability to customize notifications by document role (signer notifications, recipient CC notifications, form creator notifications, etc).
Michael Angelo Miguel commented
Ability to opt out from other notification and choose 1 specific document only.
Angelica Lapat commented
Ability to turn off notifications for certain documents
Anonymous commented
Have option to stop completed email notifications on specific documents.
Angelica Lapat commented
Ability to opt-out from receiving email notifications from form responses that I get. -