The option to display the total in the pricing table excluding tax/discounts/fees
The option to exclude the tax/discounts/fees in the pricing table total row - similarly to how subtotal works, but for the total value.

Karen Harrison commented
Sad not in your plan as you run a huge risk of double charging customers the tax rates - we're new to Panadadoc and this has already occurred as the total and the sub-total both calculate the tax.
Pandadoc biggest weakness currently is product catalogue
Sarah Reynolds commented
This is causing issues with our Pipedrive integration
Brian Gacila commented
Pricing Table - subtotal with the pre-tax amount and total with the post-tax amount
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Pricing table: add the total price and taxes and it will generate all the subtotal with their corresponding variables
Jaynna Ellis Dela Llana commented
The ability for the total tax field per line item appears in the tax footer.
Iryna Pekarchyk commented
Option to have both totals with and without tax displayed in a pricing table.
Austin Craig commented
Allow you to select a column to display in the calculation section. So you can select any column to show as a 'subtotal' or name it anything else.
Brian Gacila commented
"Auto-calculate the grand total and subtotal (without tax, cc charges etc). We just want it to autopopulate if we change the columns per document."
Angelica Lapat commented
We are trying to figure out how to include the travel fee as a column on the pricing table that auto-updates based on the quantity. For example, if we sell 1 training the travel fee is $1,900. If we enter 2 as the quantity, can the travel fee column update auto to $3,800 without updating the subtotal column?
right now i have three discounts fields in my pricing table
but it looks like when i do that it just adds all three discount together
i was looking more for the ability to change that logic
so for example: 100 discount at 50%
is 50
can i change how the discounts is calculated and applied? -
To show the subtotal of each section at the bottom of the table (where total, tax, etc is shown)
AdminSolomiia Mereniuk (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Have two totals for the pricing table footer (one with discounts, and another one - without)
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
have a custom field that will allow to grab amount from Pipedrive without the tax
Elizabeth Bardeau commented
Looking to add a subtotal prior to discount column mapping from my HubSpot account.
Emily Cozzens commented
make subtotal calculate sans-discount/fee/tax, and make the regular total include discounts/fees/taxes.
AdminElly San Juan (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Option for Subtotal to calculate in each footer then option to have another subtotal beside that on the footer of the Pricing table
(Section A, subtotal; Section B, subtotal then Pricing Table footer Subtotal = Section A + Section B)