767 results found
Drag both signature and date together (same time)
Would like the ability to add the signature and date at the same time
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Ability to choose on the template level which pricing table defaults as the document value
Ability to choose on the template level which pricing table defaults as the document value
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Insert a PDF file inside a content page
Option to insert a PDF file inside a content page as it works with images. In other words, option to have a block for adding PDF files.
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Ability to view pages beside each other
Ability to view document pages beside each other, like in Word
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Import data to a table
We'd like to be able to bulk import data to a table
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Ability to Change Editor's Background Color
Being able to change the editor's background in PandaDoc. Note: Not the page itself but the outer part of the page.
(When customers are scrolling docs on their phone, the grey isn't a super perceptible shade which makes it hard for them to differentiate one page to the next)
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Hide Empty columns
Hide Empty columns in a table
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Recipients to add rows and columns on the table
Customer would like to have a recipients option to add rows and columns on the table
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2 votes
Copy & paste specific rows or columns of a table block to another table
copy paste specific rows or columns of a table block
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Support Wordpress video embed in documents
support Wordpress video for documents like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, or Vidyard.
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comment history (collaborators)
ability to see comment history to see what was discussed with clients from the beggining
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Ability to scan document from mobile app
It would be a useful addition to be able to scan a document via the mobile app to upload to PandaDoc natively.
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Ability to split pages into columns on the document level.
Ability to split pages into columns on the document level.
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2 votes
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2 votes
Add gradient design
ability to add a gradient design to the table
2 votes -
Ability to use "consists" or "startswith" in smart content .
Ability to use "consists" or "startswith" in smart content .
2 votes -
Smart Content option for numerical value as variable that is greater than 0
- Will allow the user to user numerical value higher then 0, eg: "2.75" or "2.25" or "2.26" or "10.5" or "1000" or "7.5673" etc
2 votes
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