777 results found
Word redlining transferred to PandaDoc after the upload
Transfer the word document's redlining to PandaDoc after the document is created via the upload of the word file
8 votes -
"Download all" checkbox selects ALL documents
"Download all" checkbox (which is next to the "Title" in the "Documents" tab") selects ALL the documents, not only the documents, which have been scrolled
9 votes -
Ability to search from Dashboard
Search documents from the dashboard
28 votes -
2 votes
Lock Signing Order
Some team members are changing the signing order on documents that it should not be changed. Looking for a way to lock the signing order like you would lock a block of content.
11 votes -
Exclude tax from reporting, CSV download and API
Currently, tax that is added to a document is not filtered out in the reporting overview, CSV export or in the API. This severely distorts our reporting capabilities, since we only need to add tax for certain geographies.
Please make sure that tax is excluded from the reporting, or, even better, split the different amounts into separate columns (e.g. subtotal, discount, tax) so that the customer has a choice in what to do.
3 votes -
8 votes
Archive showing optional messages associated to sent documents
The function that will allow users to view optional messages they have used on their sent documents.
4 votes -
Ability to regenerate document links
Re-generate links in case you've provided recipients with the wrong one without having to edit the document
5 votes -
CC'd team member with "Member" role is able to edit the document
PandaDoc user with member-role is be able to edit someone's document if this user is listed as CC on the document.
6 votes -
Sign to accept privacy of proposal and then see full details
I would like a way I can have users sign first page before seeing all the information? Please see attached what I mean, I want all info to stay private and them sign and can then see all the other pages.
2 votes -
Save and Doesn't save buttons for templates and documents
Save and Doesn't save buttons for templates and documents.
26 votes -
Move more than one folder with document to another folder
It is only allowed to move one folder with docs to the another folder even though you tick a couple of folders
2 votes -
3 votes
1 vote
2 votes
2 votes
Search by Two Letters
Client would like to be able to search two letters using the search function.
2 votes -
6 votes
6 votes
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