7033 results found
Signature Certificate when using initials
We would like to continue obtaining a Signature certificate when we use initials, sometimes the space is not big enough for full signatures. Thanks
21 votes -
Add a Heading on the Pricing Table (and use it in the Table Of Contents)
Ability to add a heading in the pricing table
5 votes -
Integration with CardX as a payment gateway
3 votes -
Salesforce: correct values for searchable fields (like time and address)
Salesforce: correct values for searchable fields (like time and address)
1 vote -
2 way sync with Monday
2 way sync with Monday
45 votesHi,
Thank you for taking the time to leave your request. There’s no way to do that at the moment, but the good news is that we have already started working on that feature, and it will be available in one of our upcoming releases. We will be communicating it through our product newsletter and via an alert inside PandaDoc.
Template Editor SDK - Non-PD users
Ability to use Embed JS SDK using Pass-though authentication. Giving webapps the ability to allow for their users to create templates without being PandaDcc Users.
6 votes -
email validation supports extended email formats
the email validation feature once turned on should support the extended email addresses formats such as (name@morgan.k12.co.us) - multiple subdomains that operate under the state department of education)
3 votes -
VB scripts
VB scripts
1 vote -
Editing options when changing/editing licenses
We need a way to BULK select multiple user names/emails when needing to change the license type. Having 450+ licenses, I need a way to do things in GROUPS....not just bulk deleting, but also bulk CHANGES when needed.
1 vote -
Expand Salesforce Sync Search Fields to All Terms
Expand the search field when syncing a document created in Panda to Salesforce Opportunities - should be able to search for opportunities based on all terms in the opportunity name, rather than exact names.
1 vote -
Additional permissions/settings for document status
Specifically designate when a document is completed by 1 signer but not the other(s) - currently both show in "viewed status"
2 votes -
Custom Line spacing option inside design section (including TOC)
Ability to set up custom Line spacing for entire text within the document.
12 votes -
Ruller for design
Ruller for blocks and images, so once you adjust it's size you can see exact size in pixels/mm/etc.
2 votes -
Document Payment date variable
a variable that autopopulates when the document was paid
5 votes -
Google Workspace
Integrate Pandadoc with google Workspace
14 votes -
Preview option after changing the Branding
Ability to see or preview what it looks like after changing the Branding
1 vote -
Option to Force Design Changes to Affect Previously Edited Fields
If a field's font size is altered, it no longer is affected by font changes made in the design settings. It would be nice to have the option to force changes to apply to every single field on a document, regardless of whether or not it has been previously changed.
1 vote -
change expiration on form template
Ability to change and edit the expiration date/validity of a form template.
7 votes -
a button to push edits to salesforce would be useful as well as the existing button that updates the document from salesforce data.
a button to push edits to salesforce would be useful as well as the existing button that updates the document from salesforce data.
2 votes -
Speed up generating a document from Zendesk Sell
It takes 10-15 seconds to create a document from Zendesk Sell in EV2
1 vote
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