Reminder customization: Customize the text in reminder message
Customize the text in reminder message

Thank you so much for reaching out – this is a great suggestion and we have had other customers asking about this feature as well. While we’re looking into the possibility of developing it, it isn’t on our product roadmap for the next few months. Please feel free to upvote or leave your comment to let us know how and why this functionality is important for you. Thank you!
Yunis Darbellay commented
I feel like the default message isn't that great in French not sure about the other languages. It feels too direct and abrupt in my opinion. It would be better with a few words like "Hello, hope you're doing great, etc..." but it would be even better if the user is free to customize it at will
Thomas S commented
The default message is very abrupt. I'd like to include something like 'we're resending this in case you missed it the first time'. We don't have automatic reminders set up because often we can have a long delay between quote acceptance and commencement of work but we do send the reminder manually sometimes. When we do, I send a normal email saying "I'm about to send a reminder through the pandadoc system". If I could customise the reminder text, either with templates - like the saved messages, or individually each time, it would cut the process in half time and effort wise.
Karen Harrison commented
As Pandadoc develop more the quoting system this will be even more critical as we need to remind people that the quote is about to expire (for example) so we can extend if required.
Nick Wicks commented
I think this would be very useful to create this function.
For say signing a contract, after a period of time if the client has not signed the document they will probably just keep ignoring the emails or not even read them.
So it would be very useful that after a period of time to be able to change the wording on the Auto Reminder email title and contents of the email to make the emails more serious, more of a warning etc that the document still needs to be signed.
Erin Miller commented
Very important for us to use reminders.
Raizy Plopper commented
I think this is important
Austin Keith commented
I found out this wasn't possible when I was pitched "White Labeling" the reminder emails for $400.00. When I asked how customizable the reminder emails would be, the answer was not at all and that it only changes the email domain to one domain for the entire account.
I've commented this on another thread but it is shocking to me that something as basic as custom text in a reminder email isn't something that is already available
Jason Berkowitz commented
Seems crazy to me that you can create a whole proposal and send it with a customized email message, but the reminder feature doesn't allow you to customize what it says. The default reminder message doesn't even make sense for the majority of the proposals I send out. This shouldn't have to be on their "current product roadmap" it should have be a feature from the get go.
Chris “dopher” Williams commented
Doesnt even need to be fancy. Just the ability to change the message!
Scott Mueller commented
as a marketing proposal software, why would we not have access to all communication with the customer to use our company's specific tone and voice? Fail by PandaDoc.
Christine Haupt commented
Very important -- the default text PD offers doesn't work for all Quote types we have!
Mark de Boer commented
verry important
Tobias Frerichs commented
The function is incredibly important for a successful completion of the offer
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Will allow the user to edit the subject of the email that is sent to the recipients.
eg: "Reminder to sign document" -
Simon Choucroun commented
This would be a fantastic feature or even to be able to create a workflow with custom emails
AdminVivian Mach (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
I would love to be able to send a reminder to clients on docs that do not require a signature.
Even if I simply added a checkbox or Radio button to the end of the document, I'd need to be able to customize the wording of the reminder so that it doesn't prompt for a signature.
I simply want to remind prospects to review the document prior to our meeting together if I see it has not yet been viewed.
Umar Shariff commented
After we send the proposal, we are setting up a workflow to send reminders. Sometimes, we need to highlight pain or offer dates in a proposal to make the client sign off. So we need the option to write a message when clicking the "Send Reminder" button. If not, when we put a public chat message, it should send notification to the recipient.
Umar Shariff -
Feride Buyuran commented
Very important in my business to make the reminder message more personal. Each customer is different, too. Please make this a priority. Thank you!
Alyssa Larson commented
Our team would definitely like the ability to customize the reminder message to include a bit more relevant information. We would also like the ability to change the frequency of reminders - every other week would be excellent as our proposals can at times be valid for 6 months. Therefore, every 3 days or every week is too often to be sending reminders to clients.
Mark de Boer commented
we need this!!