Reminder customization: Customize the text in reminder message
Customize the text in reminder message

Thank you so much for reaching out – this is a great suggestion and we have had other customers asking about this feature as well. While we’re looking into the possibility of developing it, it isn’t on our product roadmap for the next few months. Please feel free to upvote or leave your comment to let us know how and why this functionality is important for you. Thank you!
Lisa Munley commented
Excellent idea! Hope it comes through soon - our team will definitely use it!
AdminMadelyn Gunay (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
To have the option to Repeat reminder a week apart and not just every week
Bernd Auer commented
This is needed urgently!
Ability to create a template of the reminder or edit the existing one
Idan Ben Shalom commented
Definitely, a much needed ability.
Marie Debeauville commented
so far the auto reminder will stop once the document achieved the "completed" or "expired" status while i would like the a have the options to choose any other status to trigger or stop the auto reminder. In my case i would like to send reminders until the status change to "view".
Steve Alvarez commented
I want to be able to Customize “reminder” message. I want to be able to add my own custom message to reminders as they go out or after the preconfigured amount of time customer is set to receiver reminders that they have a document to sign.
The following message would go out at 7 days:
“Hello! Looks like you are still working on getting this one signed. Remember, don’t hesitate to contact us (me) if you have any questions!”
Maybe the next message goes out at 14 days.
“Hello, looks like you still haven’t made a decision on this project. Just so you know, typically our proposals expire after 30 days, but please reach out if you need more time to make a decision—We’d be glad to extend the accessibility of this proposal!”
A final message goes out at 27 days:
“Hello, Since we haven’t heard from you in a few weeks about a decision on this project, we’d like to reach out once more to remind you that this proposal will expire in 3 days. If you need more time to decide, please reach out to our team. We would be glad to work with you on extending the accessibility of this proposal and hopefully all pricing and availability of products proposed herein continue to maintain roughly the same cost. Thank you!”
Something like that.
Jelle commented
We love this idea also! When we have more options with reminder messages (maybe also use video) we will possibly have much higher conversion rates.
Molly Abrams commented
Be able to customize the look and field of a reminder e-mail and set exactly how many days you would like in between reminders. Ideally, we would like to send reminders every day.
Thea Pasilan commented
Aside from sending a personalized message through public chat/comment, it would be nice to customize the message set in the auto-reminder feature.
Monique Aragundi commented
Yes! I often send quotes which I would like to send automatic reminders, however, the language of "This document is awaiting your signature" makes my customers feel as though we are pushy and aggressive. We should be able to have templates/saved messages for our reminders.
Franziska Palumbo-Seidel commented
Same here!
We absolutely need to be able to customize the reminder message (e.g. Reminder to share your feedback) instead of reminder to sign) I am receiving this response from clients very often who say "Why does the reminder message says sign". I think being able to customize the reminder message in the settings gives the PandaDoc users much more flexibility on how to use the documents. -
Clifford Cheung commented
It would be amazing if we can have multiple reminders models
3 days reminder: Reminder Email template 1
7 days reminder: Reminder Email template 2
30 days reminder: You get the idea -
AdminKamari Ross (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Have option to edit reminder emails
AdminTameeka Gilchrist (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
We are specifically looking to have more flexibility with the recurring reminders “Repeat every week/every 3 days until completed or expired”. We have found that “every 3 days” is far too aggressive for recurring reminders and “every week” has also been more aggressive than we like. The engagement letters we are sending through often require thorough planning and thought on the client’s end, and so they require quite a bit of time to think it over and get in touch with others prior to committing to our services. With that, I guess there is no option at the moment outside “every week” or every “3 days”? If you could present this to the development team, that would be great as it would be very helpful for us. We are looking for an additional option of even 15 days between recurring reminders until the document is signed or expired.